8 years ago when I was the age of 16, my heart stopped beating for a few moments…
My name is Adrian Galuti, I am from Sintereag, a town found in the country of Romania. I am currently 25 years of age and I want to tell you how the Lord astonishingly worked in my life.
This is my testimony, the narrative account of how God encountered me. This is God’s fingerprint on my life, the impacting story that he gave to me.
In 2003 the night before Christmas, I was on my way to church with two other friends. My friend’s car had only two seats and being the younger one I decided to sit in back which is similar to sitting in the back of a box van or a construction Astro van. We were in a hurry to get to church as we were running a little late and because of the road systems in Romania when driving during the night time things can be hard to see. My friend who was driving thought he spotted someone crossing the road and abruptly slammed on the breaks losing control off the road. The speed of our car was rather high and the impact we made after leaving the road caused our car to flip three times throwing me out of the car since I had no seat belt to strap me in. As the car was rolling I hit my head on the side walls causing me to fall unconscious. My father, sister, brother and his wife were driving in a car behind us and witnessed everything. They quickly got out of the car and came to our aid. Because I lost consciousness, when they called out for me I was unable to answer. After a few moments of searching my brother came across my body lying behind our car. In urgency he picked me up, put me in his car and rushed me to the hospital. Once within the hospital they decided that I need to be transferred to a bigger hospital in the city of Cluj Napoca which was a two hour drive from where we were at. They prepared me for surgery and sent me off with an ambulance. Everything was prepared for my operation as we pulled in to the hospital in Cluj Napoca. My skull was fractured and along the removal of the bones that were scattered through my brain the doctors had to cut out 25% of my brain. This procedure lasted an intense 3.5 hours leaving a 24 cm cut on my head, 18 cm deep.
16 days of coma passed when the Lord awoke me. Everyone was terrified that I would not remember anything or recognize anybody. I woke to being paralyzed on the left side of my body, but I was able to remember everything and everyone.
Eventually they sent me home three months after the accident. I was diagnosed with muscular atrophy which meant that I was unable to use certain muscles on the left side of my body. I was sent to physical therapy and with God’s help, after 8 months I was able to walk once again, at first with two crutches, then one and eventually none! Not only was I able to walk again but I went back to high school and was able to graduate.
I thank God for his grace and mercy. And I truly thank him for this opportunity to share my testimony with you. With me, many people lived out this experience and we can honestly say that it was by Gods love and power that I am able to be here before you and write my story, the story that God gave me. I hope this encourages you to hang in there if you are going through a similar life changing occurrence.