Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just a Thought


            I fell upon a verse this past week that glued to my heart like frosting on a cupcake. No matter how hard the devil tried to destroy what God was building within me this verse remained true… it became the mouth-watering frosting on my week. When those moments of severe difficulty abruptly approached, this verse acted as a sweet delicious delicacy that welcomed all bitterness and disgust knowing that it was more than enough to overcome any horrible taste. It provided me with an intense desire to keep on going and it filled my heart with a new savoring taste. A flavor so unimaginable that not even Willie Wonka and his crew of fascinating Umpa Lumpa’s could come close to creating! This I believe was a portion of the Essence, the Zest, and the Aroma of Christ Jesus! "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his son." (Romans 8:28, 29) I know that this is one of the most quoted verses from the Bible but it fed the fire within my heart and added to my foundation, strengthening the pillars and framework around my core. The idea of knowing that God works all things for the good of those who love him is breathtaking! But the thought of becoming constructed in the likeness of Jesus is mind boggling and awe-inspiring!!

            Have you ever felt so trapped in life that no matter how hard you try to get out of your horrible situations you only dig your hole deeper and deeper? Have you ever felt so lost or stuck in the work that you are trying to accomplish, no matter what you do everything crashes and bursts into flames right before your eyes? These past few weeks I have seen more crashes, more explosions, more disasters in the work that I came here to do, than ever before… but as my world felt like it was coming to a bittering end, within my heart, a small still voice kept on saying; "all things work out for the good of those who love him… for they will be formed in the likeness of the Son." My love for God grows enormously daily and because of his work within my life I will forever continue to do his will. As I read Romans 8:28 over and over again I began to see it in a different way… when Apostle Paul wrote this I think what he was trying to say was, "for those who are completely and desperately in love with our Heavenly father, He [God] will take the "good" that is missing from within us, and intertwine it throughout our beings, so that we will be formed to the likeness of his Son. This isn’t a verse promising that in all your circumstances you will have your needs handed to you because you love God and God loves you… I trust that this is far more than we can imagine. I believe this verse is a direct promise from God to those who love him that they will be transformed to the likeness of his Son. And when a person is formed to the likeness of Jesus there is no more room for worries, pain, fear, hardships, etc. within their hearts. They become filled to absolute fullness with true love and Jesus begins to shine through them so that Gods Holy name will be glorified.

           I think Apostle Paul had a direct revelation from God about who God wants us to become. Time and time again he reminds us of our transformation. Although I am convinced that God’s dream for each person may differ from one another I strongly believe that His will is the same for each of us… that is to be formed in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Again Apostle Paul mentions in Galatians chapter 4 "oh how I wish I could be with you now… because I am perplexed about you." Paul goes on to say that he is in pain and suffering for the Galatians until Christ was formed within each of them. One of my greatest joys is seeing Christians advance beyond the mind's eye to a place of impossibilities; the place of being Christ-like. The thought of knowing that my loved ones have finally understood and are pursuing Christ in a passionate quest, drives me bonkers!!! Literally, I feel like my heart will burst because of its richness in joy!! Oh how I desire for people to step into this simple but deeply profound relationship with God.

         So what does it mean to be Christ-like? What does God mean when he tells us that he wants us to attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ? I believe that we can find a small piece of what this means or how to become Christ-like in the gospel of Luke. These are the words of Jesus in Luke chapter 6:27-35; "but I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you, if someone strikes you on the cheek turn him the other also. If someone takes from you your cloak do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you do not demand it back. Do to others as you would want them to do to you… But love your enemies, do well to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High God!" I don’t think that Jesus is saying here give all your materialistic belongings to everyone around you if they ask for them. I concur that we shouldn’t be tied down to any of our special belongings, but what I think Jesus is say is beyond just giving to those in need. We must give with fullness of heart to everyone around us. Love does not measure it simply gives everything continually. I think that in this passage Jesus is telling us to splurge our love, compassion, patience, hope, kindness, gentleness, and the like, out on everybody around us. We must do so continually. This is part of being Christ-like. Can you really dig to the bottom of your heart and love to an extreme measure, all those who have done you wrong? Can you spend hours in prayer for the drunkard who drove his car vicariously into the car of your only child, taking their life? Can you give an abundance of love to the man who convinced your wife that nobody will find out what they did behind closed doors? Can you bless those who have spread evil rumors about you and your family ripping you guys apart? Can you think of the absolute worst case scenario that you can possibly imagine and after doing so, can you invite those who did you wrong and serve them not only with a grand dinner but also by getting on your knees and washing their feet? Ephesians 4:22, 23- You were taught in regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its evil desires; to be made new in the attitudes of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true Righteousness and Holiness." We must give ourselves in a "servant hood way" to provide the characteristics of Jesus through humbleness. What Jesus is saying in Luke chapter 6 is give yourselves entirely to the people around you so that Gods name will be glorified and so that you may be children of the Most High God! This is the beginning of being Christ-like. (For even the Son of Man came to serve, not to be served.) There is no greater illness in this world than the lack of love… we must let God form and shape us into the characteristics of Christ, so that we may spend eternity with Him! "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his son." (Romans 8:28, 29)

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